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Hey there. You probably already search few pages of our Beauty WordPress theme before you came here
You could see many different elements or widgets nicely spread through the demo site but we also want to show you all of them in one place.
With the list bellow, you can make unlimited different layouts where the limit is only your imagination.

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One cannot also use any free network sim cards in their phones if they have bought a phone that is locked with a particular mobile network to be able to use your locked. Many mobile network companies lock mobile devices to their networks so that they cannot be accessed by any other cellular networks other than that of theirs.
One cannot also use any free network sim cards in their phones if they have bought a phone that is locked with a particular mobile network to be able to use your locked.
One cannot also use any free network sim cards in their phones if they have bought a phone that is locked with a particular mobile network to be able to use your locked.

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Do you want head to toe makeover?

We can transforml you on the outside in the matter of hours for just 10% fee BUY THEME - $79


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  00386 31 567 537

Mon - Fir 8.00 - 18.00
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED


Pricing Widget

New Hair Extentions $50
Men Haircut $30
Beauty Routine $50

Change the way you look at yourself, give yourself a complete new makeover with a trendy haircut.

New Hair Extentions $50
Men Haircut $30

Change the way you look at yourself, give yourself a complete new makeover with a trendy haircut.

Beauty Routine $50

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1 Dec 2023

Licenčni seminar za trenerje veslanja 2024

Veslaška zveza Slovenije razpisuje Licenčni seminar za trenerje veslanja za pridobitev licenc za sezono 2024. Seminar bo v soboto, 9. decembra 2023, med 9. in 18. uro, v hotelu Astoria na Bledu. Razpis Licenčnega seminarja za trenerje veslanja 2024    
Licenčni seminar za trenerje veslanja 2024
Jesenski izziv na simulatorjih veslanja 2023
1 Dec 2023

Jesenski izziv na simulatorjih veslanja 2023

Veslaška zveza Slovenije razpisuje »JESENSKI IZZIV«, tekmovanje na simulatorjih veslanja, z izvedbo na lokacijah klubov za vikenda, 11.-12. novembra 2023 in 18.-19. novembra 2023. Razpis erg tekme JESENSKI IZZIV 2023 REZULTATI JESENSKI IZZIV 2023
1 Dec 2023

3. Državno prvenstvo v obalnem veslanju Izola 2023

V nedeljo, 15. oktobra 2023, je v Simonovem zalivu v Izoli potekalo 3. Državno prvenstvo v obalnem veslanju. Dododek, v sklopu katerega je bila tudi mednarodna regata, je organiziral VK Argo Izola. Razpis DP v obalnem veslanju Izola 2023 REZULTATI
3. Državno prvenstvo v obalnem veslanju Izola 2023
5 Okt 2023

Dolničar: V naslednjih mesecih bo padla odločitev o gostitvi petega SP v veslanju na Bledu

Končana je letošnja veslaška sezona. Zapomnili smo si jo po odlično izvedenem evropskem prvenstvu na Bledu in pa slabimi rezultati slovenskih veslačev. Kako boste vi potegnili črto pod letošnje veslaško dogajanje? Tekmovalno smo pričakovali nekaj več, tako na evropskem prvenstvu na Bledu, kjer smo ciljali na več finalov A in eno odličje, kot tudi na svetovnem prvenstvu, kjer smo želeli videti naše čolne vsaj blizu mest, ki so vodila na olimpijske igre. Žal so veslači za temi cilji zaostali. Smo pa zelo zadovoljni z organizacijo evropskega prvenstva na Bledu. Bilo je izjemno organizirano in deležni smo bili veliko pohval. Kakšna usoda čaka najmočnejše slovenske posadke, njihove trenerje, selektorja jana Ilarja? Bomo doživeli kake spremembe? Veslanje je vzdržljivostni šport. Kar nekaj…
Dolničar: V naslednjih mesecih bo padla odločitev o gostitvi petega SP v veslanju na Bledu
Filip-Matej Pfeifer malenkost boljši od Isaka Žveglja
23 Sep 2023

Filip-Matej Pfeifer malenkost boljši od Isaka Žveglja

Na Blejskem jezeru je ta konec tedna znova zelo živahno. Na njem se namreč za naslove državnih prvakom potegujejo tako kajakaši in kanuisti na mirnih vodah kot tudi veslači. Vrhunec prvega dneva tekmovanja je bil zagotovo moški finale enojcev, v katerem ni veliko manjkalo, da bi videli veliko presenečenje.  Za naslov sta se med drugim pomerila najboljša slovenska skifista to sezono Filip-Matej Pfeifer ter Isak Žvegelj, pa tudi lahki veslač Rajko Hrvat in npr. Nik Krebs, ki je sicer vso sezono veslal v dvojcu z Jako Časom. Ko so fantje švignili mimo Blejskega otoka, je zanesljivo vodil domačin Isak Žvegelj. Nato pa je z izjemnim zaključkom niz zmag med slovensko konkurenco nadaljeval Ljubljančan Filip-Matej Pfeifer. Na koncu je zmago slavil…
21 Sep 2023

33. državno prvenstvo v veslanju, Bled, 23.-24. 9. 2023

V tej novici boste lahko našli vse pomembne informacije o državnem prvenstvu v veslanju, ki bo na Bledu tokrat potekalo vzporedno s kajakaškim državnim prvenstvom. Ekipe naj upoštevajo naslednja navodila: V veslaškem centru se namestite v skladu s priloženo skico, na kateri so označena območja za veslaške/kajakaške prikolice in čolne, vsa vozila parkirajo na parkirišču izven centra. Parkirišče v Mali Zaki je namenjeno izključno klubom oz. tekmovalcem (akreditacije TEAMS prejmete v Info pisarni), za obiskovalce sta namenjeni plačljivi parkirišči na železniški postaji Bled-Jezero in v Veliki Zaki. Trening je vsak dan možen le do 08.30. Čez dan NE, ker kombiniramo veslaške in kajakaške sklope tekmovanj. Bodite pozorni na higieno v sanitarijah in ločevanje odpadkov po nameščenih zabojnikih. Stanje prijav Sobotni…
33. državno prvenstvo v veslanju, Bled, 23.-24. 9. 2023
Nini Kostanjšek končno 24. mesto
10 Sep 2023

Nini Kostanjšek končno 24. mesto

Dopoldne je ciljno črto zadnjič na tem svetovnem prvenstvu prečkala tudi Nina Kostanjšek. S svojimi nastopi na tem prvenstvu si je priveslala finale D, v katerem je vso preizkušnjo veslala na 6. mestu. To ji je prineslo končno 24. mesto. Po koncu tekmovanje je takole ocenila svoje nastope: “V tej zadnji tekmi sem želela predvsem sebi sebi pokazati, kaj zmorem. Žal nisem povsem zadovoljna s tem. Prvenstvo je dolgo, naporno, konkurenca pa je bila res rekordno močna. Mislim, da mi tu na čisto nobeni tekmi ni popolnoma uspelo pokazati tistega, kar sem letos že, predvsem na začetku sezone.”  Pred odhodom v Beograd je selektor reprezentance Jan Ilar napovedal, da bi lahko vse posadke izboljšale uvrstitve z lanskega prvenstva, a prav…

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One should go for the hairstyles and haircuts according to their facial structure, like wavy-medium or long length hair.

ECO Products

Experimenting your hair with colors and haircuts that are trending nowadays.

Person Profile

Slika od Mario Fonseca

Mario Fonseca


He has displayed artistic talents at world renowned salons in London, Paris and Milan. In 90s he was personal stylist of Pamela Anderson.

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    Parallax Background

    Beauty Style

    Our promise as a beauty company is to repurpose value into every person
    while delivering professional expertise, exceptional customers service and hair repair.


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    Social Post

    Sometimes good user experience means saving someone’s life by a minute. In other cases, the good user experience can save a lot of pain and troubles.#wordpressthemes #UX #SEO

    Geplaatst door Proteus Themes op maandag 20 februari 2017


    Our promise as a beauty company is to repurpose value into every person
    while delivering professional expertise, exceptional customers service and hair repair.


    Open Position Widget

    Creative Stylist

    227 Marin Street Avenue Columbia, SC 29201
    CV, Letter of Application
    In order to ensure utmost perfection, we will have a 2 hour long trial w here we will discuss what you want, your ideas and what are you planning to wear. We will together discover looks that w ill enhance your beauty and complete your look. We ensure that the agreed look will be practiced and offer a realistic vis ualization.

    With years of experience and using the best make-up and skincare products available in the market, we can ensure that your makeup is stunning and is exactly the way you want it to be.  Whether you are looking for a quick beach side gateway or a pampering day for yourself, we have spa treatments to meet your needs. All of our spa treatments are specially designed for restorative, recovery and relaxation. 

    Blowdry Specialist

    CV, Letter of Application
    Be it a red carpet occasion or a special event in your life like prom nights, special date nights, anniversaries or any other special occasions, you can be confident of your looks with our hair styling experts. We offer a wide range of all imaginable.

    All of our massage treatments incorporates disciplines of muscle manipulation and relaxation. These massage treatments are designed to relieve stress and tension. If you are unsure which treatment is best suited for you, you can consult out therapists who can recommend the best one for you.

    Gallery with Tabs

    Before & After Gallery

    Aaron Before & After

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.

    Mindy Before & After

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.

    Full-Width Columns With Background

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.


    Services Thai Massage Spa Treatment
    Pearl Bath $65 $47
    Black Face Mask $77 $59
    Oil Massage $145 $125
    Nail Treatment $55 $40
    Hair Color Removal $75 GET IN TOUCH

    Columns and Layouts


    Haircare Plan

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.



    Spa Package

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.



    Wellness Package

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.


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    Georg Quick

    CEO and Board Member

    A 20 year veteran in the beauty industry, Philip has worked in New York in shaping and cutting hair with a passion for dry-hair cutting.

    We are Beauty Masters!

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations.

    Full Body Massage


    Diamond Peeling

    Check Our Services

    Body Transformation Done Right!

    BuildPress Inc traces its roots back to 1989 in Colorado and since then have never looked back. With thousands of successful projects under our belt, we can proudly say that we are one of the most trusted construction companies.

    Hot Springs & Jacuzzies

    We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.



    Treat your body like a temple

    Our bikes are of top quality including ones with front suspension which are just perfect for biking.

      Superb Projects

      Dedicated Team

      Quality Products

      Hair Damage Repair Efficient


    Featured Icon

    Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

      Beauty Salon - Best salon ever

      Beauty Packages - Concreat Foundation

      Monthly Bookings - For loyal customers

      Reservations - Regular visits

      Walk-in Hairsalon - We make you beautiful at all time

      Our mission

    When you are considering a hair color or hair style, you not only think of a good hair salon but also the best hairstylist. Our salon boasts of a top crew hairstylist who works.

      Our goal

    Each of our hair stylists has their own unique individual creativity and strength which is laid at the disposal of our customers to ensure they get better than the beast.

      Our vision

    You can go for fusion, strips, neon or any kind of solid colors and from funky to casual and classy.

    A fresh coat of paint can entirely change the personality of your house. However, before you start your project, there are a few things that you will need to figure out such as the amount of paint you will need, the tools for the task, choose the color and many more. While there are lots of things to choose, it does not necessarily have to be daunting. With proper planning, the project will only be a great experience for you.
    If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the painting. While it may be tempting to hire a professional to do it if you have never painted before, it will cost you a lot of money. Painting your own house allows you to experiment with something new and will help you save thousands of dollars.
    A fresh coat of paint can entirely change the personality of your house. However, before you start your project, there are a few things that you will need to figure out such as the amount of paint you will need, the tools for the task, choose the color and many more.
    If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the painting. While it may be tempting to hire a professional to do it if you have never painted before, it will cost you a lot of money.
    One of the most important considerations will be the color for the room or the house. This will depend on your personal preference as well as the room that you want to paint. The next important thing to consider is the amount of paint that you will need to finish the job.
    You will have to decide upon the tools and the accessories that will help you accomplish the house.
    A fresh coat of paint can entirely change the personality of your house. However, before you start your project, there are a few.
    If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the.
    One of the most important considerations will be the color for the room or the house. This will depend on your personal.
    You will have to decide upon the tools and the accessories that will help you accomplish the house.
    A fresh coat of paint can entirely change the personality of your house. However, before you start your project, there are a few.
    If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the.
    One of the most important considerations will be the color for the room or the house. This will depend on your personal.
    You will have to decide upon the tools and the accessories that will help you accomplish the house.