Bled bo od 10. do 12. junija 2016 gostil že 61. Mednarodno regato, na kateri bodo letos nastopili veslači in veslačice iz kar 15 držav: Avstrije, Nemčije, Švice, Češke, Slovaške, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Turčije, Grčije, Egipta, Kitajske, ZDA, Gruzije in Slovenije. Rok za je prijave je ponedeljek, 6.6.2016.
From 10 – 12 June 2016 the 61st International Regatta will take place at Lake Bled. Athletes from following record 15 nations will participate this year: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Repulic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, China, USA, Georgia and Slovenia. Entry deadline is Monday, 6 June 2016.
61st International Regatta Bled 2016 Invitation and Programme
IR Bled 2016 schedule Day 1_NEW version