Letošnja 62. Mednarodna regata Bled 2017 v organizaciji Veslaške zveze Slovenije bo potekala od 9. do 11. junija. Udeležilo se je bo 490 veslačev in veslačic iz 70 različnih klubov oziroma reprezentanc, prihajajo pa iz 14 držav: Avstrije, Bolgarije, Hrvaške, Češke, Nemčije, Grčije, Madžarske, Srbije, Slovaške, Švice, Turčije, Moldove, Albanije in Slovenije.
Rowing Federation of Slovenia is proud to host the 62nd International Regatta Bled 2017 between 9th and 11th June. There are 490 athletes participating, representing 70 different Clubs or National Teams coming from 14 nations: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, Moldova, Albania and Slovenia.
Bulletin 62nd International Regatta Bled 2017
IR Bled 2017 Entries Day 1_updated 07062017
IR Bled 2017 schedule Day 1_updated 09062017 after TM meeting
IR Bled 2017 Entries Day 2_updated 07062017
IR Bled 2017 schedule Day 2_updated 10062017 after TMM
ALL RESULTS by event and overall