64. Mednarodna regata / International Regatta Bled 2019

Jernej Slivnik Novice 0 Komentarjev

Dear Rowing Friends,

On behalf of Rowing Slovenia and Bled Rowing Organizing Team we are kindly inviting you to the 64th edition of Bled International Regatta taking place between 14 and 16 June 2019.

 BLED rowing med regata 2019

We have kept the same programme as last year, which was very well accepted by teams and includes races of eights being gender balanced.

Here you can find the Programme and all the basic information about the regatta.

Do keep in mind the two deadlines:

  • for accommodation booking: 13 May 2019
  • for submitting the entries:  10 June 2019


Here you can book your airport transfer 


For any further information contact Mr. Jernej Slivnik, Secretary General:

  • e-mail: jernej.slivnik@vzs.si
  • mobile: +386 40 366413


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