Odpoved 65. Mednarodne regate / Cancellation of 65th International Regatta Bled 2020

Jernej Slivnik Novice 0 Komentarjev

Letošnja 65. Mednarodna regata Bled 2020 bi morala biti  na sporedu med 12. in 14. junijem, vendar je zaradi veljavnih ukrepov zaradi pandemije bolezni covid-19 in zelo oteženih pogojev za mednarodna potovanja ODPOVEDANA. Vabljeni naslednje leto, ko je 65. edicija blejske mednarodne regate predvidena za termin 11.-13. junij 2021.

The annual 65th International Regatta has this year been scheduled between 12-14 June 2020, but due to the covid-19 pandemic restrictions and very difficult conditions for the international travel still being enforced the OC has decided to CANCEL the event. Welcome next year with 65th edition of Bled International Regatta being scheduled between 11-13 June 2021.


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